Adjunct Professor of Art History
BA in French, Humboldt State University, California
Laurea Triennale in Storia dell’Arte, Universita’ La Sapienza, Rome
Laurea Specialistica in Storia dell’Arte Università La Sapienza, Roma
Dottorato Interateneo, IUAV-Verona-Ca’ Foscari, Venice


Professor Cardone has been living and working in Rome for over twenty years. “Studying Renaissance Art within the Italian university system was the priviledge of a lifetime,” and he has continued to collaborate with La Sapienza, Rome and Ca’ Foscari, Venice to the present day as Cultore della Materia.

“Art as symbol, art as artefact, as a window to history and as a mirror to ourselves. These are universal themes that I bring to my research and to my teaching.”

Watch: Professor Jason Cardone on Concepts of Visual Space from Leon Battista Alberti to Pier Paolo Pasolini

I always seem to come back to cinema and its connections to art history. In this guest lecture from 2019 at the Richmond Institute in Rome I illustrate some comparisons between the ideas of Alberti, the great 15th century intellectual and the very intellectual films and film theories of one of Italy’s most uniques cinematic authors, Pasolini. It was especially interesting finding images from the early Renaissance period that directly inspired the design of some of Pasolini’s films.

Click here for Professor Cardone's LinkedIn page.